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Hearing aids have come a long way since the development of the first behind-the-ear models in the 1960s and 1970s. You might remember what these devices were like: bulky, and very conspicuous. They would sit down uncomfortably behind your ear, amplifying all the noises around you. 

Today, hearing aids are much more discreet and technologically advanced. Here, we take a look at some of the newest technology and features in 2020. 

The latest features

Easy Bluetooth connectivity

While Bluetooth has been available in hearing aids since 2005, they once required a separate device to take advantage of streaming capabilities. Nowadays, many hearing aids can directly connect to devices such as the iPhone, iPad, and iPod, allowing users to listen to music or access phone calls. 

Rechargeable lithium-ion technology

Even though conventional batteries have been the primary source of power for hearing aids for a long time, they have needed to be replaced more often as hearing technology is advanced. The arrival of lithium-ion technology now allows hearing aids to be powered for up to 24 hours on a single charge. 

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Some hearing aids have a function that learns your preferences. This is achieved using artificial intelligence. By monitoring volume control settings and system expectations for certain sound conditions, when the noise is detected, these hearing aids can make certain adjustments automatically, which reduces the need for manual changes over time.

Remote care

For those who cannot make the trip to a hearing health provider for services, quality hearing healthcare can be provided with remote care. Hearing practices around the country are gradually turning to digital telehealth solutions to meet this demand. Now you can get your hearing aids adjusted remotely, from the comfort of your own home. 

The latest hearing aids

Here are a few of the most exciting hearing aids on the market in 2020. 

Livio from Starkey

Livio and Livio AI are Starkey’s latest Made for iPhone hearing aid models. They all have rechargeable options. Here’s a quick guide to the various levels of technology that the range offers.

1600: Although it is the entry-level model in the range, the Livio 1600 hearing aids feature Spatial Speech Enhancement and Multiflex Tinnitus Technology, an advanced tinnitus control system.

2000: This model boasts 20 channels of Directional Processing and Advanced Wind Noise Control, as well as features present in lower-tier models.

AI 2400: The Livio AI 2400 is the premium Livio Series model. This model includes not only excellent sound processing and wind noise management but also contains these features:

  • The ability to track changes in the body and brain
  • Alerts to others if you fall over
  • A heart rate monitor
  • Translation services
  • Transcription services

AI 2400 Edge AI: Released in February 2020, this has all the features of the AI 2400 but with one important improvement. Using Artificial Intelligence, the Edge provides that extra edge in noisy environments through the tap of a button. 

Virto Black from Phonak

Phonak’s Virto custom hearing aids are uniquely made to fit perfectly into your ear canal, providing your daily hearing needs with utmost flexibility and comfort. All levels are fit with wireless streaming capabilities. The series contains four tiers of technology.

M30: The lowest available tier level, the M30, is great for those with quiet lifestyles such as around the house, one on one conversations and small group settings. It has eight channels and four listening programs. 

M50: This model is even better for quiet, one-on-one and small group settings. It boasts 12 finetuning channels as well as the AutoSense 3.0 operating system, and also helps with speech in noise. 

M70: The Virto Black M70 technology level features 16 adjustment bands and four listening programs. This makes it a good choice for busier environments such as cafes and restaurants. However, those who spend a significant time in noisier environments should think about upgrading to the M90. 

M90: The Phonak Virto Black M90 hearing aid is the premium product in the Virto Black range. It features 20 adjustment bands, five listening programs and excellent performance understanding speech in noisy environments. 

Evoke Fusion from Widex

Widex’s Evoke hearing aids pioneer the use of machine learning in hearing aids. These aids feature intuitive new controls that guide users to their desired hearing experience smoothly and steadily. The range comes in four levels:

110: This is the Evoke Fusion entry-level model. In three different listening conditions, it automatically adapts to your environment and lets you hear soft sounds and speech.

220: This model represents a step up from the 110. In four different listening situations, it automatically adapts to your environment. It also remembers changes you are making and applies them to similar circumstances – even in new surroundings.

330This is the second strongest model in the range. It automatically adapts to your environment in seven different listening conditions and has an excellent ability, even in challenging situations, to comprehend voices. 

440: This model is top of the line. It features the best language understanding capability in any environment. It also automatically adapts to eleven different types of the sound environment. 

The 220, 330, and 440 models all feature the machine learning technology that sets Widex’s Evoke Fusion apart from other hearing aids.

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