World Hearing Day is an annual reminder to prioritize auditory health and awareness. Hearing connects people to the world, and understanding the signs of hearing loss is critical in maintaining [...]
Adjusting to hearing aids can transform your hearing loss experience and open the door to better communication and a richer connection with the world. However, like any technological device, [...]
Hearing aids are a game-changer for anyone dealing with hearing loss. They offer the ability to reconnect and enjoy conversations and music. However, just like any other electronic device, [...]
Hearing loss can take a toll on your ear and affect your emotional health. As communication becomes more difficult, feelings of frustration, embarrassment, and even sadness may arise. These [...]
Cleaning your ears might seem like a simple task, but it’s important to do it safely to avoid damaging this delicate part of your body. While earwax is a natural substance that protects your [...]
Hearing aids have revolutionized the lives of millions of people experiencing hearing loss. These small, sophisticated devices amplify sound, making it easier to engage in conversations and enjoy [...]
Maintaining good hearing health is essential for overall well-being. While many factors contribute to hearing health, diet plays a crucial role. Consuming a balanced diet rich in essential [...]
Summer is a time for fun, sun, and outdoor activities. From swimming and tennis to cycling and hiking, there are countless ways to enjoy the warm weather and stay active. While summer sports [...]
Hearing loss can be a challenging diagnosis for anyone, but it also impacts those closest to the individual affected. If your partner has recently been diagnosed with hearing loss, you may be [...]
Traveling can be an enriching experience, but for individuals with hearing loss, it can also present unique challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or embarking on your first journey [...]
Hearing aids serve as indispensable tools in mitigating the challenges posed by hearing loss, enriching the lives of millions worldwide. Understanding their lifespan is essential for individuals [...]
Adjusting to life with new hearing aids can be both exciting and challenging. While these small devices have the potential to greatly improve your hearing and quality of life, it’s common [...]
Living with hearing aids is an individual journey where sound becomes reality once again. However, misconceptions about the experience of being hard of hearing are far too common and can create [...]
Ensuring the well-being and development of our children is a collective responsibility that transcends the confines of familial and societal structures. In the realm of pediatric healthcare, the [...]
In a world driven by technology, these apps serve as invaluable companions, enhancing our auditory experiences and empowering us to navigate the sonic symphony of life with newfound clarity. [...]
In the symphony of life, our ability to hear plays a pivotal role in shaping our experiences. Yet, the modern world, with its bustling cities, technological marvels, and recreational spaces, has [...]
Hearing loss is a widespread issue, particularly prevalent among older individuals, and it often goes unaddressed. Recent research reveals that a significant percentage of Americans over the age [...]
Hearing loss is a prevalent sensory impairment that affects millions of people worldwide, and its impact goes beyond the waking hours. While hearing professionals primarily focus on diagnosis, [...]
Hearing and balance are two interconnected aspects of our sensory perception that often go unnoticed until they are disrupted. As an audiologist, my mission is to shed light on the latest [...]
People are often very surprised to learn how common hearing loss actually is. Almost 14% of the adult population in the U.S. suffers from it. And tragically, less than 20% of those people seek [...]
What is “quality of life?” It is a term that we all likely come across all the time and probably use ourselves without thinking much of it. But it is a broad and deep concept and one that is [...]
Hearing Loss: The Big Picture To fully understand the importance of proper upkeep of your hearing health it is imperative that you understand the broadest context of hearing health. It is [...]
Hearing Loss is Far More Common Than Most People Assume A shocking percentage of the American population lives with some detectable degree of disabling hearing loss. It is impossible to know an [...]
All of us face the increased risk of hearing loss as we age, but adopting a diet packed with the appropriate nutrient-dense foods will improve your odds by boosting your overall health and blood [...]
People with hearing loss can be three times more likely to have a history of falling compared to people without hearing loss. Extensive research shows that hearing loss can increase the risk of [...]
Age-related hearing loss becomes increasingly more common in older adults but the signs and symptoms may not be exactly what you think. Furthermore, if you do notice changes to your hearing, what [...]
Did you know that your ability to hear is linked to many other things in your body? We tend to think about each part of the body as a silo. When you think about how the different parts of the [...]
Hearing loss is one of the most common health issues people live with today. Impacting over 48 million people, hearing loss is pervasive. Though nearly 1 in 6 people has some degree of impaired [...]
Did you know that September is World Alzheimer’s Month? A global campaign that started in 2012, World Alzheimer’s Month focuses on dementia awareness and advocacy. According to the [...]
Traveling is a wonderful way to restore your mind, body, and soul. Your hearing loss should not prevent you from visiting family and friends or exploring a new location and culture. However, [...]
When summer comes around, many Americans relish the opportunity to get outside, travel, and enjoy what the natural world has to offer. Some people simply enjoy a walk in the woods, while others [...]
As we witness the environment coming to life this spring, let’s take a moment to celebrate our connections with loved ones and community members. When we are out witnessing nature coming alive, [...]
At FitHearing, we are working hard for you, the customer, to bring affordable hearing aids, without sacrificing the necessary follow-up care and availability that are crucial to getting the best, [...]
The number of people living with dementia is projected to triple – from 50 million people worldwide to 150 million by 2050. Dementia encompasses several medical conditions that reduce [...]
How to Become an Audiologist Assessing, diagnosing, and treating issues related to hearing and balance can transform a person’s health and quality of life. Audiologists are healthcare [...]
We go to the doctor and the dentist at least once a year for a checkup, but many people neglect to have their hearing evaluated with the same regularity. Modern life has gotten a lot louder, and [...]
Hearing aids do a lot for those of us with age-related hearing loss. They help us to feel more confident and optimistic. They help us avoid accidents. They keep us in the conversation with [...]
This October, celebrate Protect Your Hearing Month by scheduling a hearing test! The Better Hearing Institute, a non-profit organization, recommends getting a hearing test once every ten years [...]
If you have recently received your near hearing aids, congratulations! Hearing aids are such an important investment in your health. If you are new to hearing aids, you may find yourself feeling [...]
Exposure to harmful noise can happen to anyone and almost anywhere. A 2012 Center for Disease Control study discovered that in the United States, at least 10 million adults under 70 years of age [...]
When watching TV, people with hearing loss will face obstructions in two areas: loudness and clarity. Turning up the volume might help ensure that sounds are audible. But when clarity or speech [...]
Over recent decades, hearing aids and their technology have evolved immensely. They are more discreet, simple to use, and advanced technologically than ever before. But which hearing aid is best [...]
As we begin to hunker down to battle the second wave of the coronavirus, video conferencing apps like Zoom are becoming the standard tools to stay in contact with others. The good news is that [...]
Quality hearing aids don’t come cheap, but they should be treated more like an investment in your overall health, and from this perspective, you are almost guaranteed to make a decent [...]
The pandemic of 2020 has caused upheaval and difficulty throughout the world. Individuals, businesses and organizations have had to change their normal ways of operating in ways we never [...]
Like other high-tech devices, in the past decade and particularly in the last few years, hearing aids have undergone a major technological revolution. Today’s most advanced hearing aids are [...]
Hearing aids have come a long way since the development of the first behind-the-ear models in the 1960s and 1970s. You might remember what these devices were like: bulky, and very conspicuous. [...]
Here at the FitHearing Audiology network, we work with hearing professionals nationwide to provide localized service and lower-cost hearing aids. We pride ourselves on offering more personalized [...]
FitHearing Audiology Network is committed to delivering premium quality hearing health care to our patients through the safest and most convenient means possible. We understand that your hearing [...]
Bluetooth is a wireless communication platform that facilitates data transmission between two or more electronic devices. Bluetooth technology transmits data via high-frequency radio waves, [...]
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is one of the largest trade fairs for technology that takes place every year. The exhibition is held at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas and draws [...]
Oticon, one of the world’s most successful manufacturers of hearing aids, has been designing high-quality hearing aid devices for people with hearing loss for over a century. Their slogan, [...]
Doctors and nutritionists agree that exercise, even just a little bit every day, such as taking a daily or after dinner walk can reduce the risk of heart disease, can subside symptoms of [...]
Are you starting to notice that your hearing is going? Perhaps you are having to ask people to repeat themselves more than you used to. Perhaps it’s the people closest to you that might have [...]
Healthy hearing is connected to every aspect of your life. The days of believing that hearing loss only affects your ears are over. Untreated hearing loss has been associated with a greater risk [...]
The New Year is here and with it comes all the big dreams for a fresh start and focus into a new year and a new decade. We make all sorts of promises to ourselves. For instance we may [...]
Did you accidentally get your hearing aids wet? Maybe you got caught in the rain, or forgot to take them out before stepping into the shower. Did you have a recent holiday to a hot and humid [...]
Hearing loss is linked to a lot of health concerns, and if you suffer from heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, you face a higher risk of heart disease. Did you know that smoking and [...]
In recent years, natural disasters have increased in frequency, largely in part, scientists believe, due to climate change. There have been scientific advances in the field of “extreme event [...]
The human body never ceases to amaze with the breadth of substances it produces. Sweat, saliva, mucus, pus, et cetera. They all serve their purpose while simultaneously being a little gross. [...]
As children grow, they learn and adapt to the environments of which they are a part. In their infancy and into toddlerhood, it is up to the parents and caregivers to interpret body language, [...]
Disabling hearing loss affects an estimated 466 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization, and the Hearing Loss Association of America tells us that approximately 48 [...]
Many seniors living with hearing loss experience the myriad effects in various ways. In addition to possible communication issues with friends and family and challenges at work, a study shows [...]
As busy as life can be, it can be easy, and even the norm, to push things back on your calendar. Some tasks are time sensitive so perhaps they take priority now and then. It is important to make [...]
The fall term is underway and the last days of summer give way to beautiful campus green spaces and city scapes. Both incoming first-years and seniors alike have academic schedules that demand [...]
The field of study surrounding hearing loss and its causes, preventative measures, and treatments is vast. One area of inquiry is over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and their possible link to disabling [...]
The world is a noisy place, and depending on where you are at a given time, the environmental noise can make it even louder. Thanks to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), [...]
As we age, our attention is often focused on various ways to stay healthy. Exercise, eating right, and regular visits to your medical doctor may be just a few of the things on your list. But you [...]
Hearing loss is one of the most common medical conditions in older adults, affecting approximately 48 million Americans alone, according to the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA). It is [...]
In a report to US Congress, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that there are an estimated 1.5 million cases of traumatic brain injury per year resulting in hospitalization, and [...]
The world poses some unique problems for individuals with hearing loss. Fortunately, we live in a country with a variety of technologies that can assist those with hearing loss. However, we are [...]
Hearing aids and assisted devices age with time. Constant technological development renders them obsolete more and more quickly, it seems. Even if you have a hearing aid that is in working order, [...]
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are approximately 422 million people living with diabetes globally, especially in low- and middle-income countries. The WHO defines [...]
Many people are aware of the major risks involved with smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides a wealth of information about the effects of [...]
Hearing loss affects around 466 million people worldwide—approximately 48 million in the United States alone. It is likely that you have a friend or family member that is living with some degree [...]
Imagine that you are with friends at a potluck and someone you have not met before strikes up a conversation. There’s a game on the television in the other room and music is playing, all while at [...]
Costco, a warehouse retailer, is known for providing goods in bulk quantity and passing savings on to their customers, usually based on annual membership. Costco members can find savings on food, [...]
As technology continues to move forward, hearing aids and their users benefit from the advancement in not only function, but also quality. “Analog” hearing aids—big, beige conspicuous [...]
A career as a rock star may afford fortune and international fame, but it also has consequences that extend beyond the lights. Hearing loss is a common medical condition that so many musicians [...]
Noise is not just a problem in cities – it can also be a problem in more suburban areas too, if only because of its startling contrast to the more sedate settings. From leaf blowers to noisy [...]
You may lose more than just the sounds around you if you have hearing loss. It is certainly important that you hear your loved ones, friends, your favorite music or be able to enjoy your favorite [...]
If you are like many people who dread office meetings or family gatherings because it is difficult for you to understand the conversations, your hearing may benefit from some brain games. [...]
Football fans are some of the most devoted fans in sports, without a doubt. A large part of the fandom is screaming at the top of your lungs at a stadium, a neighborhood bar, or in your living [...]
In a world of constant environmental noise, people are often seeking an escape. Commuters on public transportation, the sounds of traffic and construction from city sidewalks, even public parks [...]
There are many ways that hearing aids can help make life easier. Aside from helping us to hear better, hearing aids facilitate better relationships to friends and family, improve your physical [...]
Shopping has never been easier. With big retailers offering great prices with next-day, and in some cases, same-day delivery with the click of a button, it brings a whole new dynamic when [...]
Hearing aids have evolved significantly since the first models in the 1960s and 1970s. They have simple origins as big, bulky, beige devices that sat uncomfortably and conspicuously behind the [...]
When you have a busy work schedule and an active social life, at the end of some days your brain can feel like it has run a marathon. If you feel more exhausted than normal, especially if you are [...]
We often take for granted all of the listening our ears have to do. We subject our ears to loud concerts, movies, loud machinery, and sporting events regularly, and, more often than not, without [...]
It has been proven that as we age, we are likely to develop hearing loss. Though there are many causes of hearing loss, the most common is age-related hearing loss, or presbycusis. Presbycusis is [...]
Hearing loss is one of the most common medical conditions, affecting an estimated 466 million people worldwide, 34 million of whom are children. There are many possible causes of hearing loss in [...]
Wearing hearing aids can increase your ability to hear in most situations, but using several communication techniques could help you to hear. There are several ways to give yourself an advantage [...]
Researchers have long sought to draw definitive connections between hearing loss and other medical conditions, and continue to do so today. One area of interest is the role that disabling hearing [...]
Social interactions are inherent to so much of daily life in the busy world in which we live. Work, concerts, sporting events, dinner, worship services, and our relationships with friends and [...]
It is estimated that 48 million Americans are living with some degree of hearing loss, with 60-69-year olds being the largest population affected. The American Association of Retired Persons [...]
Many people take their hearing for granted and do not think about hearing health until it begins to decline. Some contributing factors of hearing loss include poor diet, ear infections, and loud [...]
Over the years, technology around hearing healthcare and hearing aids themselves have improved tremendously. However, there is still a lot of stigma and misinformation surrounding hearing loss. [...]
Walk a Mile in Their Shoes Hearing loss is a condition that affects tens of millions of Americans and their loved ones. Communication can often be difficult because of missed words or phrases and [...]
When we think about the costs of hearing loss, we may think about visits to the doctor, hearing aid prices, health insurance, and others. What we may not immediately think about are the social [...]
Safe driving requires much more than relying on your sight and recognizing traffic signs. Physical changes associated with aging can slow our reflexes, affecting how we might brake safely or turn [...]
Many statistics show that people with hearing loss wait significant lengths of time—often an average of seven years—before getting their hearing checked. Over time, they are likely to have [...]
Clear and open communication is the crux of the relationships we have with loved ones. When someone is living with undiagnosed or untreated hearing loss, it can weigh heavily on social [...]
If you think you may be living with some degree of hearing loss, you are not alone. Approximately 48 million Americans, 18 and over, live with some form of disabling hearing loss and most don’t [...]
Every year the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) celebrates the month of May as Better Hearing & Speech Month (BHSM). The organization raises awareness about communication [...]
In short, they are not as expensive as it seems! Let me elaborate on this. Insurance companies have always been largely nonparticipating in the hearing healthcare you’re entitled to. For this [...]