Nurturing Your Hearing Health: Understanding and Mitigating Environmental Risks

In the symphony of life, our ability to hear plays a pivotal role in shaping our experiences. Yet, the modern world, with its bustling cities, technological marvels, and recreational spaces, has [...]

Top Travel Tips for Hearing Aid Wearers

Traveling is a wonderful way to restore your mind, body, and soul. Your hearing loss should not prevent you from visiting family and friends or exploring a new location and culture. However, [...]

Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Hearing Aids

When summer comes around, many Americans relish the opportunity to get outside, travel, and enjoy what the natural world has to offer. Some people simply enjoy a walk in the woods, while others [...]

Affordable Hearing Aids

At FitHearing, we are working hard for you, the customer, to bring affordable hearing aids, without sacrificing the necessary follow-up care and availability that are crucial to getting the best, [...]

Troubleshooting Hearing Aid Problems

Disabling hearing loss affects an estimated 466 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization, and the Hearing Loss Association of America tells us that approximately 48 [...]

Upgrading Your Hearing Aids

Hearing aids and assisted devices age with time. Constant technological development renders them obsolete more and more quickly, it seems. Even if you have a hearing aid that is in working order, [...]