In Hearing Aids

People with hearing loss can be three times more likely to have a history of falling compared to people without hearing loss. Extensive research shows that hearing loss can increase the risk of experiencing falls. Not only can this contribute to accidental injuries, but it can also affect mobility and lead to death. It is estimated that half of adults, ages 75 and older, have some degree of hearing loss. Though it is extremely common, it is often undertreated with only a third of people who could benefit from treatment actually receiving it. Treating hearing loss not only improves hearing but also offers life-changing benefits including improving your sense of balance which contributes to greater safety. 

Impact of Hearing Loss on Balance

Substantial studies show that hearing loss can impact balance and increase the risk of falls. Extensive research highlights a correlation between hearing loss and falls, including the following significant studies: 

  • Johns Hopkins University Study: this study involved researchers using a questionnaire that assesses the history of falling over a 3 year period for 2,107 people (ages 40-69). Researchers found that people with hearing loss were much more likely to have a history of falling:  
  • People with mild hearing loss were nearly three times more likely to have a history of falling.
  • An increase of hearing loss by 10-decibels also increased the risk of falling by 1.4 times.
  • University of Michigan Study: this study included nearly 115,000 participants, ages 66 and older. Participants included people with and without diagnosed hearing loss. Researchers found that: 
  • 13% of people experienced a fall within three years of being diagnosed with hearing loss, compared to 7.5% of people without hearing loss. 

These studies reveal that people with hearing loss were much more likely to experience falls and have a history of falling compared to people without impaired hearing. This shows that hearing loss can impact one’s sense of balance.  

Hearing Aids Improve Balance 

Hearing loss is commonly treated with hearing aids. These are electronic devices that are designed to absorb, amplify, and process speech as well as sound. Hearing aids provide the auditory system – the sensory system for hearing – with significant support. This innovative devices improve balance in a few important ways including: 

  • Maximizing hearing capacity: hearing aids provide the ears and brain with ample support. By helping absorb and process soundwaves, sound is able to be processed easier. Hearing aids alleviate symptoms and maximize one’s hearing capacity. People are better able to hear and hear sounds they likely haven’t heard in quite some time. By supporting the auditory system, the potential impact on the balance system is alleviated. Both hearing and balance systems are in the inner ear and hearing loss can impact the signals that are involved in maintaining balance. 
  • Increasing spatial awareness: having increased capacity to hear also allows people to be more aware in and of their environment. People are more able to hear the range of sounds and activity in the spaces they navigate. This includes being able to hear and be more aware of any hazards, warning calls etc. This increases spatial awareness which can reduce the risk of falls and support a sense of balance. 
  1. Supporting brain health: research shows that hearing aids also support brain health. By providing significant support, cognitive functions are strengthened. This supports essential functions like learning, decision making, communication, and maintaining balance. 

These benefits support balance as well as safety. Treating hearing loss enables people to navigate everyday life independently and with greater awareness. 

Treat Hearing Loss Today

There is a range of hearing healthcare services, resources, and solutions that are available to you. The first step you can take to prioritize your hearing health is schedule an appointment to have your hearing health evaluated. Conducted by a hearing healthcare expert, hearing tests involve a noninvasive and painless process that measures your hearing capacities in both ears. This identifies any hearing loss and the degree of impairment you are experiencing. Once your hearing needs are established, your healing healthcare provider is able to tailor treatment to meet those needs. Today’s hearing aids are more innovative and savvy than ever before. You will be guided through your options to ensure that you select a device that is optimal for your hearing health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a hearing consultation!

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