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Remote Care Always Included with our Team of Audiologists
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Audiogram & Setup
Order any model, programmed to your audiogram prescription & shipped to your doorstep. Same day shipping available on most hearing aids.
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Phone & Video Visits
Request video & phone visits with real time remote programming adjustments from anywhere. Simply call & email customer care.
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Remote Adjustments
Receive real-time programming and settings changes via our team of Audiologists. Receive unlimited complete care from your smartphone.
[/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/4" el_class="callusnow"]Call or Text 877-238-0640
Call or text our customer care team for a free quick consultation.
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More About Remote TeleCare
Our remote telecare consists of programming to your audiogram followed by unlimited remote adjustments by our team of Audiologists. Each hearing aid manufacturer has developed a smartphone application in which personalized settings changes and precise adjustments can be made remotely by a hearing care provider. You can simply download these apps via the app store on your smartphone. Our team of Audiologists & customer care coordinators are available via phone & email support from Monday to Friday between 8AM and 5PM CST.[/mk_page_section]
Phonak Hearing Aids Cost
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Buy Phonak Online
with complete telecare included
Shop Phonak Prices
[/vc_column_inner]Our phonak hearing aid prices include complete lifetime telehealth care with a Doctor of Audiology, so you can request real time remote adjustments and counseling anytime, through our team of Audiologists and the manufacturer developed smart phone app for iOS and Android. Phonak hearing aids typically range from $3500 to $7000 per pair, but our prices are substantially lower. Our Phonak hearing aid prices vary based on the technology within the hearing aids and the length of the warranty period. Give us a call at 877-238-0640, and we will happily provide any price point for our extensive line of Phonak hearing aids.
Phonak Hearing Aid Reviews
[cusrev_reviews_grid count="3" sort_by="date" sort="DESC" show_products="true" product_links="true" categories="120" product_tags="" products="current" color_ex_brdr="#ebebeb" color_brdr="#ebebeb" color_ex_bcrd="#ffffff" color_bcrd="#ffffff" color_pr_bcrd="#f4f4f4" color_stars="#FFD707" shop_reviews="false" count_shop_reviews="1" inactive_products="false" avatars="initials" show_more="3" min_chars="1" show_summary_bar="false"] Phonak Hearing Aids
Phonak hearing aids are part of the Swiss-based company, Sonova. Their hearing aids can be found in over 100 countries, and Phonak's mission is to create hearing solutions that change people's lives, so that life is on for everyone and the world can thrive emotionally and socially. Our most popular Phonak hearing aids include the newly released Sphere Infinio line, Phonak's smartest hearing aid to date. By FitHearing standards, Phonak is the leader in the technological race, being the first to introduce universal Bluetooth with the Marvel hearing aids. Following the Marvel line, Phonak introduced the Paradise line, then eventually the Lumity line. The Phonak Lumity comes in the traditional Audeo RIC form factor, as well as the Slim & Life variations. Phonak's models remain consistently among our best sellers year over year. In reviewing Phonak hearing aids, you will see different models that are all specified by generational sound quality and technology level. For instance, the Infinio platform replaces the Lumity as the newest, most improved sound technology. With Phonak hearing aids you can identify performance level by the number appended to the name. Higher performing hearing aids have higher model numbers and integrate the highest level of speech enhancing in loud environments. For example, users with a more active lifestyle will benefit from Phonak hearing aid models falling within the 90 or 70 technology level, while those who lead a quieter lifestyle may only need a 30 level with less filters and programs.[mk_page_section el_class="hearingcare"]
Try Phonak Hearing Aids Free for 60 Days
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Audiogram & Order
A valid Audiogram is required with any prescription hearing aid order. Simply call us at 877-238-0640, or place your order online. You will be prompted to upload your test during checkout, or simply email your recent audiogram to support@fithearing.com and a member of our team will reach out upon receipt. If you have not been tested recently, simply call us at 877-238-0640, and we will help you coordinate a test.
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Wear Your Hearing Aids
A FitHearing Audiologist will program your hearing aids, and they will be on your doorstep ready-to-wear in about 7-10 days. Wear them and contact our patient care team in order to request any consultation or adjustments with one of our Audiologists. Most hearing aid users need several visits with their Audiologist. A few remote video visits & adjustments will ensure optimal performance from your hearing aids.
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Care from Anywhere
Anytime you need assistance, one of our Audiologists will remotely access your hearing aids to make programming & settings adjustments. Additionally, speak directly to a patient care coordinator during these times and receive instant solutions to your needs, such as Bluetooth connectivity, hearing aid maintenance and troubleshooting. Receive a 100% refund if you are not satisfied after 60 days.
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Contact Us Today
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